CHICAGO MED — “When You’re a Hammer Everything’s a Nail” Episode 706 — Pictured: Dominic Rains as Crockett Marcel — (Photo by: George Burns Jr/NBC)
Chicago Med Honored By Donate Life Hollywood
For the second year in a row, Chicago Med is receiving a DLH Inspire Award from Donate Life Hollywood for the show’s accurate portrayal of organ donation. This year, the show earned recognition for the episode “When You’re a Hammer Everything is a Nail.” In the episode, Dr. Marcel’s (Dominic Rains) allegiances are challenged when his patient’s liver is a potential match for one of Dr. Blake’s (Sara Rafferty) patients.
Donate Life Hollywood serves as a liaison between the organ donation community and the entertainment industry, with the goal of seeing more authentic and empowering stories about donation and transplantation.
Co-Executive Producer and writer of the episode Daniel Sinclair will be accepting the award at the charity’s event on August 25th.
Congratulations to the Chicago Med team for this nomination, and for representing organ donation in a truthful and impactful way.