
A reboot of the famed police procedural drama franchise “Dragnet,” our 2003 rendition brought us back to the stories and fast-paced investigations of Det. Joe Friday (Ed O’Neill) and his partner Frank Smith (Ethan Embry) in Los Angeles.


16 Seasons

A reboot of the famed police procedural drama franchise “Dragnet,” our 2003 rendition brought us back to the stories and fast-paced investigations of Det. Joe Friday (Ed O’Neill) and his partner Frank Smith (Ethan Embry) in Los Angeles. With Friday being promoted to Lieutenant in the second season, the story shifted focused to the fresh-faced members of the squad that included Det. Gloria Duran (Eva Longoria), Det. Jimmy McCarron (Desmond Harrington), Det. Raymond Cooper (Evan Dexter Parke), and ADA Sandy Chang (Christina Chang).

“L.A. Dragnet” was created and executive produced by Dick Wolf for ABC.

Select Cast Members

Ed O’Neil
Ethan Embry
Christina Chang
Desmond Harrington
Eva Longoria
Evan Park
Erick Avari